Monday, 19 May 2014

How to read Body Language- 7 steps.

The body and gestures convey more information than any great speech. Start paying attention to the hidden messages we transmit daily without realizing it.
In a face to face conversation 65% of the information is given from the body.

1 The look.
Frequent eye contact shows interest of the person to what we say and an open and positive attitude. The look business focuses on the triangle of the eyes and the center of the forehead ; social gaze focuses on the triangle between the eyes and mouth ; and intimate look crosses the triangle formed by the eyes and chin , but can also go to other parts of the body.
2 The smile.
It is the universal gesture par excellence. The simple smile transmits low-intensity character weakness, lack of confidence and shyness ; simple smile high intensity gives a feeling of confidence, friendliness and warmth ; smile in the upper low intensity upper teeth are taught and more expressive of cordiality and friendship load is transmitted , while the upper smile more high intensity open your mouth and can mean , to trusted friends, joy or pleasant surprise ; teaches the broad smile all teeth and is the ultimate expression of joy , pleasure and happiness.
3- The hands.
The rub hands denotes a positive expectation ; hands with fingers intertwined is a gesture that is trying to conceal a negative attitude ; hold hands in the back indicates a high degree of safety. We placed palm up when we want to persuade someone of our same status to do something we want , while palm down means more authority.
4 Handshake.
If we offer the hand palm down means you want us to address the meeting , if we offer the hand with the palm up will be ceding control of the situation to the other person ; If the handshake is accompanied by a shaking arm or shoulder feeling of sympathy and cooperation intensifies, but should only apply to people in confidence.
5 The arms , legs and feet.
Both arms crossing the legs as shown defensive and therefore negative . Crossing feet may reflect certain timidity .
6 The way you sit.
If we sit on the edge of the chair with your back straight we are in a position of maximum attention but can also indicate subordination and servility ; if we sit on the edge, with the body forward and falls head and hands showed discomfort and insecurity ;if we use the armrest to sit seem dominant, open and secure ourselves.
7 The movements.
A person walking with hands on hips is determined , effective and quick ; Walker dejected walk with hands in pockets and with downcast eyes ; one who walks with short steps Someone is concerned about the details ; strides indicate power and immediacy, but when accompanied by a dynamic little arms show little readiness to act , book and passivity ; the concerned hiker walks slowly , with bowed head and hands on the back

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