Friday, 6 June 2014

How to have a magnetic personality based on your body language.

How to have a magnetic personality based on your body language
8 tips to achieve.

1. Breathe deeply and keep a positive attitude:

It is not about the opportunities you have, or the obstacles that come your way; the glass we observe the world what you determine just you, and if you have an attitude of gray cloud to see all that happens to you, because that will reflect in your same position, attitude and even the words you choose to speak.

No matter what happens, remember that you must have the discipline to stay calm and think that what does not kill you, makes you stronger, and will be a good story to tell.

 2. Keep a friendly tone of voice in any situation

The easiest way to understand this recommendation is to remember the last time you had a conversation with a person you feel true affinity. No matter the type of relationship, what matters is how you feel when you talk, and if you experience a perfect harmony of thoughts.
Remember the way you express yourself at the time? Remember how you thought you could talk for hours? Act in the same way with the rest of the world. You will see that everyone would feel gratified with your presence; although if you are shy, try slowly.

3. Pay special attention when others speak

Most of us live fast, pending our phone or do we respond when the other person shut up, or not to dedicate ten percent of our attention. Not only did we lose the opportunity to meet others, but we miss small but crucial details to ask at a later meeting.
A simple trick is to be very aware of what really matters to your partner (voice rise a little when expressed).

 4. Acknowledge your emotions and take advantage of it.

You get used to having temper outbursts? Although control is not easy, devote yourself to identify the "triggers" that make you out of your boxes. Maybe you're more melancholy, and even the good news express defeatist manner.
The adage says "Control your emotions or they will control you you," and it is no accident associated with the martial arts; the most attractive archetypes in that environment are not exactly fighting the best, but those who have more self-control.
Never too late to begin to know yourself.

 5. Keep an open mind and think twice before judging

Every day, individual freedom is threatened by the double standard; hypocrisy is the order of the day and all of us, at some point, we can judge another person without realizing that we may be projecting our own flaws in it.
Imagine it is a mirror.
In general, if you can not say anything nice about someone, then do not say anything. Equal rights for all, right? Now, if your experience allows you to correct an error in the other person, then it is your duty to let them know.
You can correct, to criticize, or to teach. Which do you prefer?

What is the hardest part of this item? recognize when your comment will be beneficial to the other person. Ask yourself, are you about to correct it because you go against your point of view, or because you want them to learn something new?.

6. Remember that not all your thoughts are valuable

We often think that our opinions are more valuable than others (after all, are our own, and that it is already important to us). It may not be so for the rest of the world, and is probably not to our satisfaction that others do not react to our verbal expressions as expected.
Maybe you want to always have the last word; perhaps feel that you show ignorance or doubt about a topic you will look weak; but nobody wants to be with someone who always has an answer to everything. In fact so people are really annoying, and surprise is an entirely banished from his face emotion. Who would you like to attend a one?.
You will see that you put this face a lot.
The people look so suspiciously.
Learn to evaluate and weigh your answers: You're sounding like a wise guy? Do you always have a "better" opinion of others? fixed because that'll scare.

7. Do not waste time

Stop procrastinating is not easy, but developing good work habits and leverage your journey goes beyond productivity. Not only will you be able to do more in less time (which already give you a superhuman aura), but the peace of mind your tasks under control transmit through the pores.
If you let time pass and accumulate earrings, you can never concentrate on the present moment; you're always thinking about what you have to do tomorrow, and you will be scattered and distant.

 8. It recognizes the achievements of others, as genuinely as possible

Since I have always considered extremely competitive; that has helped me grow a lot but has also crystallized two major obstacles: Sometimes it's hard desacoplarme competition and just work for the pleasure of it, without having to measure my achievements with those of others; and secondly, the competitive spirit has been a very hard glass breaking that restricts human approach.
Be competitive, until that you distance yourself from others.

All with measure and balance, right? especially when recognizing the achievements of others: do it whenever I can, and yes, with the intensity that you're worth the effort in recognizing the other person.

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