Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to know if somebody is lying to you according to body language.

We now turn to the issue of: lies, in this issue we do not need to be an expert, all you need to know are the signs that you have to look and, above all, watch movements and how liar course of action and thus whether they lie or tell the truth.

Whether it's a 'white lie' or a more serious lie-and all-absolutely all, ever in life, we lie. Precisely for this reason, knowing how to identify the liar is very important.

How to know if you lie?
Not only the body shows signs of a lie but also our face. If you want to learn how to identify people who are not telling the truth, keep reading...

The duration of the gestures and emotions are abnormal. The expression of emotion is given late, lasts longer than the natural and stops suddenly. For example, if a person laughs at a joke told and laughter is suddenly cut off, probably did not cause too much grace.

When it comes to managing their emotions, often times not agree and that is also rare. For example, someone might yell honestly liked you a gift you did and then show a smile, while a liar tends to concentrate smile and comment at the same time.

His gestures and expressions not match. If a person tells you he loves you but is showing a face of indifference, it is obvious that what you're saying is not consistent with what you really feel.

The emotions of all kinds, from happiness and surprise to sadness and anger, only limitedly expressed through your mouth instead of the whole face. For example, someone who smiles naturally imply that gesture across his face. It will include movements in his jaw, cheeks and eyes.

Postures and Gestures at Lying 
Usually, most people, unless they are used to take different positions when lying hide the truth.

If anyone knows who is guilty of lying takes a defensive posture. Someone "innocent" will challenge your suspicions and try to find out why your doubts, while a liar just say no to everything with few words and explanations.

The liar will be uncomfortable to face the person who questions and, for that reason, do not look to the eyes or look the other way.

There is also the possibility that unconsciously place objects-between him and the person who lied.
He will try to change the subject suddenly. And if it does suddenly seem more calm and return to the spontaneity that characterizes him.

As stated earlier, body language is important to recognize whether a person is lying or is telling the truth.

Maintain its very rigid and limited physical expression. If you do you are lying few movements with the hands, arms and legs.
Him/Her would evade eye contact. Anyone who does not try to tell the truth not look you in the eyes. Generally, they will look to his right. Also blink more often.
Often face is blown. The face, throat and mouth are the most common places.

How to talk when they are Lying 
The speech-also-shifting. The body, their attitudes, their movements and to detect message import. Not only do you have to interpret what you say but how you say it.

There is a tendency to use your own words to answer a question. For example, if you ask him: "Did you go dancing on Saturday?" Someone who is lying will answer this way: "No, I was not dancing on Saturday at all."
He/Her would try harder to convence you more than necessary. If anyone has guilt will speak beyond the usual, and they do not feel comfortable with the silences and pauses.

He will speak in a monotone. Usually, if someone has a real event says emphasizing the words. Someone is not telling the truth will give equal importance to everything you are saying.
You will use a forced way of speaking and sophisticated. Long words, correct grammar and very long versions of words or phrases that actually would be short.

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