Saturday, 19 July 2014

A trick to detect facial expressions easily

When talking about facial expressions, sometimes a little concerned how we will be able to identify 10,000 different keywords.
Even if we are able to determine the seven basic emotions (joy, anger, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust and contempt), the thing becomes difficult when microexpressions are so subtle that involve very small areas of the face for a split second that are incredibly small. 
How do some people to detect such small movements, in a face to face conversation without losing the thread of the verbal component? 

There's actually a trick that let me explain with an analogy: When you are learning to use a cell phone whose configuration is new to us, at first we felt a little "lost". As we learn where is the menu key, volume, how to completely silence messages and how to respond quickly, our brain is looking for a pattern of conscious use. 
The same happens with those facial expressions, but there is a small difference: we are born with the ability to detect them (which does not occur with the use of smart phones, unfortunately for modern man). Then, in the same way we learn to make conscious use of an electronic device to the point of becoming totally natural, it is possible to "set" the brain to read the faces of others. 
By custom, when speaking with a person, our gaze turns automatically on a triangle formed by the eyes and mouth, providing us all the information we think we need. But to obtain information from the surrounding muscles, it is mandatory to get used to see in an "X". Imagine, on the face of his interlocutor, a large X tattooed directly on the skin.This is the path they have to do on your face at all times ...! The reason is simple: in this way we will be aware of the movement of the muscles around the eyes and mouth, and we can more easily detect these tiny movements, whether they are unilateral. 
It is easier to catch microexpressions if you concentrate on the "X" forming eyebrows and.
For now, I recommend that you get used to do this exercise with all the people who talk to you. Did you see any movement of an eyebrow, a cheek, a corner that caught their attention? do not forget to comment.Remember that you can become a member of our community today!

Who is the leader of the pack?

In this case, two boys and three girls arranged almost linearly let us recall some features of the group hierarchy: 
- They are distributed in concentric designs. The center of the group as a privileged position to the alpha males and females rated the best is assumed; Partly for protection and also to be defined as the midpoint of the other members (and escuharlos to view them all without much effort). This distribution occurs naturally. 
- Who controls the herd maintains a security posture risky way of showing off; we could say that for humans the chin up is a symbol of dominance and superiority. In fact is associated with masculinity. 
If we take a look at the group, we note that the "core" of it is composed of three girls. Detailing them from left to right, the first (with cap) was shy and somewhat withdrawn note. As much as paint film archetypes to "alpha" of a joint venture as cold people hardly go unnoticed or are silent (which is what this girl intends to do). We would be the last two, arm in arm. Which one is the Alpha of the group? If we look to the right (number 4 of the team) has the decided step of all, chin up, open smile, holding her companion with arm and does not need a visual anchor in the eyes of other; She is a natural leader, the pacesetter.

First Date

1 - Dressed Impeccably : Your clothes, your hairstyle and your perfume should be absolutely perfect. Not only you will feel more secure; also transmit any interest in the person you are dating. 
2 - Use your body language: That sure can get a first date nerves ... Especially when it's someone you really like! But such simple gestures such as smiling and eye contact to establish a comfortable express your feelings. Remember the importance of your gestures to your communication. 

 3 - Create a connection: Ask questions about your hobbies, your passion or your family.Pay close attention to what he says! Avoid topics that visibly inconvenienced, and do not forget to narrate your own personal anecdotes. 
4 - Your charisma is based on how you express yourself. Make her feel special by telling us what you like about him, if you have a big smile and a good sense of humor, tell them! 
5 - Concrete future appointment: If things go well, why wait? invite her to go to a site that has to do with your tastes. Taking the initiative in this way will give the best impression of you.

How to make a Great first Impression

Did you know that within seconds of meeting someone for the first time, your appearance, body language and non-verbal communication will create a lasting first impression, and that person will assume to know everything about you? Like it or not, it's true and the work world demands making a great first impression and keeping it. Learn how to make a great first impression in this article from a human resources expert and image consultant.
In the Concise Oxford Dictionary, image is described as "the character or reputation of a person or thing as generally perceived". A first impression based on non-verbal communication goes a long way in influencing this perception. Within seconds of meeting you, based on a single observed physical trait or behavior, people will assume to know everything about you (as is explained in the 2003 book Social Psychology by H. Andrew Michener, John D. Delamater, and Daniel J. Myers). Furthermore, according to research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian of UCLA, appearance and body language (visual image) accounts for fifty-five percent of an invaluable first impression.

7 Tips to find out if he is into you.

You may know, through body language, if a man is really interested in being with you or wants to get out as soon as possible; keys are easy to detect because they involve  gestures,  general attitudes and positions:

1-He leans slightly toward you

The simplest tip of all: if he leans towards you is because they want to reach out and close the circle. Interest Level: High.

2-He is regid:
Stand perfectly straight is not a comfortable position to say, and even if you're smiling and full attention, his attitude is just friendly. Interest Level: Low.

3-Reach out and sign with the peak of his fingers:

They can be fast or slow gestures, but in both cases he is looking closer to touch. Interest Level: High.

4-keeps your hand away, fingers pointing in another direction.

If his hand is not moving towards your own is because he does not feel real interest in you, as if your fingers are kept closed or pointing to himself. Interest Level: Low.

5-Forward one foot towards you
Bring one foot to yours (even invading the space between them) is ora "trap" that makes to decrease the space between the two when you can not make it as obvious.
Such movements are not generally aware (because as Joe Navarro says, we rarely care about controlling what our feet). Interest Level: High.

6-He does not smile anymore and his eyes look lost:

Perhaps his mind is far away wondering if there will be an app for keeping statistics of cockfighting, or watching the siphon calculating how many milliliters of beer flowing every second; in the worst case, you can be "checking" the back of your competition. Level of interest: none.

7-One of his feet almost want to walk out
If one of your feet (especially the left, controlled by the right hemisphere brutally honest) seem to come to life and spreads sideways by lifting the tip, is the strongest signal that he wants to go there. Interest Level: less than zero.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to know if somebody is lying to you according to body language.

We now turn to the issue of: lies, in this issue we do not need to be an expert, all you need to know are the signs that you have to look and, above all, watch movements and how liar course of action and thus whether they lie or tell the truth.

Whether it's a 'white lie' or a more serious lie-and all-absolutely all, ever in life, we lie. Precisely for this reason, knowing how to identify the liar is very important.

How to know if you lie?
Not only the body shows signs of a lie but also our face. If you want to learn how to identify people who are not telling the truth, keep reading...

The duration of the gestures and emotions are abnormal. The expression of emotion is given late, lasts longer than the natural and stops suddenly. For example, if a person laughs at a joke told and laughter is suddenly cut off, probably did not cause too much grace.

When it comes to managing their emotions, often times not agree and that is also rare. For example, someone might yell honestly liked you a gift you did and then show a smile, while a liar tends to concentrate smile and comment at the same time.

His gestures and expressions not match. If a person tells you he loves you but is showing a face of indifference, it is obvious that what you're saying is not consistent with what you really feel.

The emotions of all kinds, from happiness and surprise to sadness and anger, only limitedly expressed through your mouth instead of the whole face. For example, someone who smiles naturally imply that gesture across his face. It will include movements in his jaw, cheeks and eyes.

Postures and Gestures at Lying 
Usually, most people, unless they are used to take different positions when lying hide the truth.

If anyone knows who is guilty of lying takes a defensive posture. Someone "innocent" will challenge your suspicions and try to find out why your doubts, while a liar just say no to everything with few words and explanations.

The liar will be uncomfortable to face the person who questions and, for that reason, do not look to the eyes or look the other way.

There is also the possibility that unconsciously place objects-between him and the person who lied.
He will try to change the subject suddenly. And if it does suddenly seem more calm and return to the spontaneity that characterizes him.

As stated earlier, body language is important to recognize whether a person is lying or is telling the truth.

Maintain its very rigid and limited physical expression. If you do you are lying few movements with the hands, arms and legs.
Him/Her would evade eye contact. Anyone who does not try to tell the truth not look you in the eyes. Generally, they will look to his right. Also blink more often.
Often face is blown. The face, throat and mouth are the most common places.

How to talk when they are Lying 
The speech-also-shifting. The body, their attitudes, their movements and to detect message import. Not only do you have to interpret what you say but how you say it.

There is a tendency to use your own words to answer a question. For example, if you ask him: "Did you go dancing on Saturday?" Someone who is lying will answer this way: "No, I was not dancing on Saturday at all."
He/Her would try harder to convence you more than necessary. If anyone has guilt will speak beyond the usual, and they do not feel comfortable with the silences and pauses.

He will speak in a monotone. Usually, if someone has a real event says emphasizing the words. Someone is not telling the truth will give equal importance to everything you are saying.
You will use a forced way of speaking and sophisticated. Long words, correct grammar and very long versions of words or phrases that actually would be short.